Redefining Excellence

Gabbinbar is more than just a wedding venue; it is a place where love stories have been intricately woven for over a century. Honouring  this tradition, our dedicated team ensures that each couple embarks on their journey with an unforgettable backdrop, marking the commencement of a deeply personal and special narrative.

Join our team of hospitality professionals as we continue to set new benchmarks for the wedding industry, redefining excellence and pioneering experiences that create unforgettable moments for our guests.

Wedding planner at Gabbinbar
Gardener at Gabbinbar

Current Openings


Set each other up for success

In our collaborative environment, success is a shared endeavor. We believe in fostering a culture where team members actively support and empower each other, ensuring that every individual has the tools and encouragement needed to reach their highest potential.

Take ownership & follow up

Accountability is at the heart of our commitment to excellence. We embrace responsibility for our actions and outcomes. Taking ownership is not just a duty, but a testament to our dedication. We follow through on our commitments, ensuring that promises turn into tangible results.

Chefs cooking in Gabbinbar kitchen

We value great people, doing great things

In our collaborative environment, success is a shared endeavor. We believe in fostering a culture where team members actively support and empower each other, ensuring that every individual has the tools and encouragement needed to reach their highest potential.

Strengthen our no to succeed in our yes

We understand that focus is key to achieving greatness. By strategically saying 'no' to distractions, we empower ourselves to wholeheartedly say 'yes' to the opportunities that align with our mission. Through disciplined decision-making, we build a foundation for success and sustainable growth.

Wedding Planner and small guest
Couple hold hands

Where would you like to begin?

Couple kiss under veil

I would like to view the venue's package

Couple with wedding flowers

I would like to book a viewing

Bride with white gown

I would like to discover the region